Take action and end the gender Pay Gap.
Today is Equal Pay Day—the day an average woman works into the new year to make what white men made at the end of last year. On average, women working full-time are paid just 84 cents to every dollar their white, non-Hispanic male counterpart makes. Even worse, the gap is much wider for women of color. This is simply unacceptable—all women deserve equal pay for equal work. Will you join me this Equal Pay Day and demand Congress take action to end the gender pay gap? When women are paid less, they have less money for basic family necessities like rent, groceries, health care, transportation, and child care. Closing the wage gap is integral to improving the health and well-being of women and families. The Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 728 / H.R. 17) is a step towards ending the pay gap and ensuring economic security for all. Call on Congress to Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act Today!

The overall pay gap only decreased by a nickel in the 21st century. Now, assume this wage gap continues to close as its current rate. We will not achieve equal pay until 2093! We cannot let women’s economic security continue to suffer. With your help, we can make a stronger impact in our push for congressional action. Women cannot wait any longer for equal pay! Contact your Members of Congress TODAY and urge them to cosponsor and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act without delay!